what is a kitchen chimney?

Kitchen chimney is an appliance that makes the kitchen clean and free from smoke. But cleaning the chimney is a tedious and time-consuming process. Auto clean basically helps in getting rid of the oil particles through kitchen chimney, without human intervention.

We hope this article helps you to choose the right kitchen chimney that matches your kitchen-need.

A chimney is fitted right above the cook-top. When switched-on, it sucks all the oil, smoke, spices etc. generated during cooking. The oil gets trapped into the modular filters and the ador/smoke is either filtered-out through the duct or re-circulated into the room.

It can be fitted in ducting or recycle-mode. In the ducting mode, heavier particles of Oil/grease/spice are trapped in the baffle / mesh filter, and the smoke/fumes are ducted out of the house. In case ducting is not feasible, the chimney can also be fitted in a re-cycle mode. In this mode, heavier particles of Oil/grease/spice are trapped in the baffle / mesh filter and the smoke/fumes are filtered through the activated charcoal filter. The clean, deodorized air is then re-circulated into the room.

No, but it is always advisable as the efficiency and the suction capacity of the chimney increases, and there is no recurring cost of the charcoal filters.

Yes and No. Some models can be used in both modes of installation and some not.

Please check with the company for these specifications. There is a norm which has to be followed to ensure proper operation and reliability. Things to check are pipe diameter and ducting length. Also please check the maximum number of bends your ducting pipe can have.

No. Using a smaller diameter pipe causes a backpressure to act on the motor. This may void the warranty!

Generally, we guide the users to mount the chimney at a height of not less than 65 cms from the burners and ideally not more than 75 cms (2.5 feet from the cook top). As smoke and fume begin to scatter above that height.

The Mesh filters have to be cleaned in warm detergent water every 8-10 days, and the Baffle filters have to be cleaned in warm detergent water every 15-20 days depending on usage. Depending on the usage, after every 3 or 4 months our experts will clean it thoroughly at your place, on your call (1800 121 3349)

Annual Maintenance/Cleaning Contract is a document which ensures you 6 free servicing and multiple visits for a nominal cost annually. ACC is applicable only after the 1 Year Warranty Period is over. This is for keeping our customers under continuous vigilance of our experts. For more details contact our helpline at:1800 121 3349


Annual Maintenance/Cleaning Contract is a document which ensures you 3 free servicing and multiple visits for a nominal cost annually. ACC is applicable only after the 1 Year Warranty Period is over. This is for keeping our customers under continuous vigilance of our experts. For more details contact our helpline at:1800 121 3349

Chimneys are available with a range of suction capacities, from 1000m3Hr to 1600m3Hr. The suction requirements of the chimney depend on a lot of parameters like the cooking habits & kitchen size.

No, this depends on the speed of operations and suction capacity of the kitchen chimney. This can vary from company to company, so please check with them.

Because we CARE

Only Kromson offers you… the Best of Technology and Innovation.

These new generation auto clean / oil collector chimneys with gas sensing technology detect gas leakage and turn on automatically to suck out the gas to keep your family safe.

Only Kromson offers you… The Best of Quality Products.

These top-end chimneys come at the best of prices and with the widest of range in the entire country.

Only Kromson offers you… the Best of Service.

These chimneys come with a Life time warranty Service on motor at your door-step by simply PLACING A CALL @ 1800 121 3349

Kromson – is a name that stands for quality and trust known for its loyalty towards customers. A Company that deals in world class Chimneys, hobs and kitchen accessories.

It depends on the individual models. This can vary from model to model, so please check with them.

Kitchen Ventilation.

Why is it important?

  1. An average housewife spends around 40% of her day in the kitchen.
  2. Kitchen air is laden with Stale microbes from dustbins containing rotting food leftovers, decaying vegetables, oil vapor, soot, and other harmful materials.
  3. Hence, it becomes essential to ventilate these poisonous and harmful matters out of the kitchen.

A chimney is very effective. It not only throws/ purifies the air but it also traps the oil, spices. This not only keeps the kitchen air clean but also prevents the blackening of the walls/ furniture.

A Skilled Technician should be called to install the chimney.

The baffle filter improves the air flow and doubles the cleansing effect of the kitchen appliance. Its cutting-edge technology separates oil molecules, grease and smoke. It is highly recommended for kitchens where a very high amount of oil and grease are produced.

An auto-clean enabled chimney facilitates zero or least maintenance. In auto clean chimneys a separate oil collector is provided, so as to collect any oil particles are present in the cooking fumes.

Auto cleaning chimneys are equipped with Aluminum non-stick turbine blower through which cooking fumes passes. Due to centrifugal force, oil particles are forced to move toward the blower wall , further weakening under the dual impact of hydro-velocity and finally gets collected in easy to remove and washable collector/bowls.

All you need is to press “auto clean”.

Advantages of Auto clean filters

  1. It prevents the oil, grease particles which negatively affects the suction power of kitchen chimney by reducing its performance subsequently.
  2. Aluminium non-stick turbine blower prevents oil clogging, therefore, increases the life-time of internal parts.
  3. As oil is collected in bowls – hence no need to frequently wash the filter.
  4. Easy maintenance and cleaning
  5. Reduces filter cleaning effort.

This is the third generation of cleaning. It makes sticky stubborn remains of oil within the inner part of a chimney melt by heating the copper coiling outside of it and the liquefied grease-oil is then drained into the oil collector. The whole function is fully automatic and a one- touch process. After that, the oil collector can be cleaned manually.

Installation is done on request lodged directly at. (NO: 1800 121 3349).

There are 6 Free services under the One Year Warranty period, after that, customers under ACC will get 6 service annually. For more details contact our helpline NO: 1800 121 3349

We provide services only on your call. For placing a service request customers are requested to contact our help-desk on this NO: 1800 121 3349

To lodge a complaint Customers are requested to contact our help-desk NO: 1800 121 3349 , and keep the docket no. for further reference.

A warranty is usually a written, contractual promise that attests to the quality of a specific, purchased product for a certain amount of time. Should the product become defective while it is still under warranty – say, within one year of its purchase – the company is bound by the warranty to repair or replace the item.

A guarantee  is also a promise regarding product quality, and it may even be written into a warranty contract. However, guarantees are generally less likely to be written, and are often not as clearly defined as warranties. Many companies often verbally “guarantee” the satisfaction of their customers, with unhappy customers receiving full or partial refunds.

Life Time Warranty is applicable only on the motor. Consumables parts (subject to normal wear and tear – like collectors, lamp, switch panel, etc) are never covered under warranty. All other spares are chargeable accordingly.

For any query about spares and their current prices customers are requested to contact our help-desk at this NO: 1800 121 3349